Monday, September 8, 2008


The kids found "Elliott" on Memorial weekend. He was lying on the side of the road covered in fireants, the mother was no where to be found. He was so small and frail. They got some goat milk, a bottle and began feeding him. After a while he was running around playing with their dog "Henry" who was about the same size as Elliott! When they came to the house, Elliott came also. He thought he was one of the family He would chase the kids around. Looked out one day as the kids were swimming and there went Elliott out into the water. He swam out to the kids, made a circle around them and swam back to the shore. A couple of weeks ago Elliott died. We love and miss you Elliott!!!

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Bug said...

So sorry to hear about Elliot. It makes me very happy to know that someone else out there cares about and appreciates nature as well as God's creatures like I do! I grew up out there in just about that very same spot and NEVER had the priveledge of seeing something like that. I LOVE your blog. Keep it up!


Bug said...

Hey, I showed Mark your blog- he loved it- I'm adding you to my friends- well, I'm gonna try anyway... Hope your injections helped you- praying...
See you at work :)