Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sunday evening we added a bobcat to our Menagerie of wildlife in our home. William shot the bobcat last hunting season and we took it to a taxidermist back in December. I have him laying on fireplace hearth. Every time I happen to galnce that way I think one of my cats has sneaked into the house again, except he's just a little bigger!. He also shot a pheasant but we haven't gotten it back yet. When we get it we'll add it to the bobcat,1 mule deer, 2 whitetail, turkey feathers, havalina hog and of course MY european mounted whitetail, the BIGGEST!!! Maybe you'll get the big one this year William!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fast Moving Weekends

Man the weekends sure go by quickly these days. Yesterday was a fun day, sad day and then finished on a happy note. Saturday began at Braxton's football game, Thank goodness it was in the morning and not too hot yet!!! Braxton (#44) played very good, catching 3 ball returns. He was very excited that he got to run with the ball, even though they lost the game, again! It's not weather you win or lose, course winning is always more fun, it's learning sportsman ship. After the football game I then attended a Memorial Service for a very dear friend . Then finished the day at a Wedding. Braxton came home with us, we all got this morning and went to church. Even though the weekends seem to fly by I cherish each and every one, especially when the grandkids are here.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a Great Day

Brittny and Lindsay came home with me Friday evening after Amanda worked on my hair. We always have fun together when they come over. They fished for a while, only catching a big ole sun perch. After fishing the girls wanted to go swimming and wanted me to come swim with them, but when I stuck my foot in the water it was too cold for me. After they played in the water for a while we went in and baked some sugar cookies with "sprinkles" on top, in which I ate way TOO many!!!! What a Great Day we had together. I hope that when my grand kids are all grown up they will have wonderful memories of spending time at Mema and Papa's.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cooler Weather Ahead!!!

Oh boy, it's beginning to feel like football weather! The rain last week and also on Saturday was much needed. I just love sitting outside on my swing watching the sun go down. Every evening offers a new experience. The sun is already moving back to it's winter spot on the water. With the rain we received last week, the lake level is rising some. Hopefully we'll get some more those fall rains to put more water in the lake.

Monday, September 8, 2008


The kids found "Elliott" on Memorial weekend. He was lying on the side of the road covered in fireants, the mother was no where to be found. He was so small and frail. They got some goat milk, a bottle and began feeding him. After a while he was running around playing with their dog "Henry" who was about the same size as Elliott! When they came to the house, Elliott came also. He thought he was one of the family He would chase the kids around. Looked out one day as the kids were swimming and there went Elliott out into the water. He swam out to the kids, made a circle around them and swam back to the shore. A couple of weeks ago Elliott died. We love and miss you Elliott!!!

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Saturday, September 6, 2008


Today was the first game for the PeeWee "Bridgeport Bulls" football team. Shane is one of the assistant coaches, Braxton is #44 and Brittny cheers from the sideline. The "Bulls" played the "Alvord Bulldogs". The "Dawgs" made the first touchdown, but the "Bulls" came back strong and came within 2 ft of the goal line of making a touchdown, but those darn "Dawgs" held us off. Then the Alvord team made 2 more touchdowns to win the game. All the boys had a good time today, even though they didn't win. Maybe next time!!!!!

This is Brittny's first year to be a cheerleader. She is so shy when she gets in public, but hopefully before the season is over she will be yelling her lungs out. Amanda and the Cheer coach decided today to make a "Spirit Stick" to give a girl each week who shows the most spirit during the week at practice and at the next game. The "Spirit Stick" will be filled with all kinds of goodies each week.

Lindsay's not old enough to be a cheerleader this year. So she hung out with mema and papa.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dove season starts!!!

Finally, dove season started!!!! Started out as a nice cool morning, but not only was the doves flying, so was the mosquitos again. After tons of mosquito spray we began shooting at doves. Shane, Amanda and the kids came up on Sunday to be there for opening morning. Braxton and his Papa decided to walk in the field for a bit to see if they could scare up some doves. Papa (William) loves teaching Braxton all about hunting and Braxton loves to hunt with his daddy and Papa. Us girls also shot at a few doves, Amanda did better than me, my arm began to hurt too bad to continue. By the time we got home I had a nice bruise on my shoulder.

After several hours of shooting and it getting VERY hot and humid, we decided to pack up at go home. I think between us we ended up with 15 dove. Everyone had a great time. It's always a great time when we're with family!!!