Well...I've been having problems trying to get logged onto my blog - finally got my password reset so hopefully I'll be able to start blogging again. So much has happened since my last blog. Braxton, my 10 year old grandson is in whats called the BIC Unit at B'port school. This unit is for kids who have a behavior problem. He's been diagnosed with ADHD and has been "labeled" a problem child since kindergarden. Well, last Tuesday the teacher placed him in room by himself and he locked the door. So what do they do but call the police. Braxton was taken to the police department and charges were filed for disruption of the educational process and the teacher filed charges for assault - seems her thumb got shut in the door. It's a sad day when a 10 year old has to be taken to jail instead of his butt being busted by the principal as in old times... My son and daughter-in-law have both told them to whip him but the school says they are not allowed to do that any more. What will our school system be in the future when the teachers can't have any authority over the students. No wonder there is so much violence in our school systems.... We know Braxton needs punishment, but not juvinile probation or jail!!!!